Parent co-Designed Drug Information for parents and Guardians Taking Neonates home (PADDINGToN-2) – a Feasibility Study
Home > Opportunities > Parent co-Designed Drug Information for parents and Guardians Taking Neonates home (PADDINGToN-2) – a Feasibility Study
Research Area:
Neonatology and Pharmaceutics
What is the research about?
This study will use the medicines information resources developed in PADDINGToN-1. We will share the resources with parents and carers before their baby is discharged from the neonatal unit. We want to find out whether the resources help parents and carers feel more confident and less anxious about giving medicines to their baby after they go home.
The questions we will be asking during PADDINGToN-2 will include:
What is the best way to get parents and carers to take part in our study?
• How do we involve a wide range of parents and carers?
• How do we make it easy for parents and carers to take part?
• How do we keep parents and carers engaged throughout the study?
• What is the best way to collect information about parents’ and carers’ anxiety and confidence about medicines?
If it goes well, we hope that what we learn will be taken forward into a much larger study (PADDINGToN-3) to find out whether using the PADDINGToN medicines information resources reduce parents’/carers’ anxiety, improves their confidence and improves safety.
Parents that which to take part of the PPAG will be able to provide advice in the design and development of the PADDINGToN-2 study but also the PADDINGToN-3 study if willing. Parents will not have to analyse data (as this is confidential to the members of the research team) however, results will be shared with members of the PPAG in order to improve the study for subsequent phases.
Contact will be through online meetings via a secure platform such as (MS Teams) at a time and day that is suitable to most; meetings will last no longer than 30 minutes and will occur usually on a monthly basis (more frequently if necessary only). Ideally we would also like to have a face-to-face meeting with the group at a location, date and time to be confirmed based on the groups availability.
Opportunity for:
Involvement Opportunity Details
Time commitment:
PPAG meetings to support the design and development of the PADDINGToN-2 study will take place monthly (more frequently if required and with group’s agreement). These meetings will take on average 30 minutes and will be held virtually at a time that is suitable to the majority of the group. Virtual interviews will use software like Zoom® or Microsoft Teams®). There is no need to attend all meetings. During the course of the study we would aim to have at least 1 face-to-face meeting at a time that suits the majority of the group to allow for in-person socialization.
Contact between meetings:
In between meetings we may send occasional documents for the group to read prior to the meeting in order to provide their feedback on the wording, structure, etc
Length of involvement:
Part 2 of the PADDINGToN Study will take place between February 2025 and February 2026; if the members of the group would like to remain engaged for the development of phase 3 of the study this would take longer to complete.
Start date for involvement:
If online, explain how:
PPAG meetings to support the design and development of the PADDINGToN-2 study will take place monthly (more frequently if required and with group’s agreement). These meetings will take on average 30 minutes and will be held virtually at a time that is suitable to the majority of the group. Virtual interviews will use software like Zoom® or Microsoft Teams®). There is no need to attend all meetings. During the course of the study we would aim to have at least 1 face-to-face meeting at a time that suits the majority of the group to allow for in-person socialization.
If in person, explain where:
We are currently organising in-person meeting arrangements; it is likely that this meeting will take place in Dublin and likely at RCSI. Funding has been obtained to support parents on transportation, parking, etc.
Other ways of communicating:
Funding available for:
If no funding available, explain why:
Not applicable
Other Information
Stage of the research study/ programme:
Research started
Is this opportunity for PPI in a PhD:
Closing date to contact researchers:
Research Team
Contact person:
Sheiniz Giva
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Contact email:
Researcher background:
Paediatrics and Child Health, Neonatology and Pharmaceuticals
Research funder:
RCSI Translational Research Seed Funding
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