- Contact us: hello@ppinetwork.ie
Promoting excellence & inspiring innovation
The PPI Ignite Network promotes excellence and inspires innovation in public and patient involvement (PPI) in health and social care research in Ireland.

PPI Ignite Network Partners
PPI Ignite network
PPI Opportunities
PPI Ignite network
National PPI Festival
The first National PPI Festival was held over two weeks in October 2022, and has since run annually co-ordinated by PPI Ignite Network @ University of Galway in its first year, and PPI Ignite Network @ DCU in 2023.
Find out more on our Festival page and take a look at our news page to find summary overviews of each Festival. We will soon be launching Festival 2024. Join us to celebrate PPI progress in Ireland, to learn more, and share your PPI experiences.
PPI Ignite network
How we are funded
The PPI Ignite Network is funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) and Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland, with co-funding from each of the Lead Universities.
Check out our growing repository of PPI resources to help researchers and the public to understand PPI and to build effective partnerships as a pathway to increase the relevance and impact of research.