Michael Foley

Programme Manager, PPI Ignite Network, Trinity College Dublin
Michael Foley is the Programme Manager for the Trinity PPI Ignite Office. Within the National PPI Network, the Trinity office is leading out on the process of considering how to improve the quality of PPI across the country. It also has a focus on the development of a culture of capturing the impact of PPI-influenced research. The office also has a Trinity-focused programme to celebrate and support PPI activity across the institution.
Michael has been facilitating public processes for over twenty years as part of his work in the National Disability Authority, Age & Opportunity and now Trinity College Dublin. He has developed PPI Ignite engagement activities for the autism, dementia, intellectual disability and vision impaired communities. He has worked with Health Research Charities Ireland to co-produce Making a Start, a toolkit for research charities to begin a PPI relationship. He has also developed the Campus Engage How-To Guide on Engaged Research Online Workshop to facilitate engaged research and innovation through digital platforms. He was the lead facilitator on the IPPOSI Citizens’ Jury on Access to Health Information.
With an MSc in Applied Social Research, Michael has a specific interest in research translation and impact. He was the Research Module Coordinator on the MA in Mediation and Conflict Intervention in Maynooth University for a number of years. He has also worked as a copywriter and editor, with a particular focus on developing accessible material, Plain English and easy-read.