Prof. Veronica Lambert

Co-lead, PPI Ignite Network @ Dublin City University
Veronica Lambert, PhD, BNS (Hons), RGN, RCN, is Full Professor of Children and Family Nursing at Dublin City University and co-lead for the Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Ignite Network at Dublin City University. Prof Lambert co-leads work package 1, focused on building capacity for PPI across communities, and contributes to all work packages through the Public and Patient Involvement Ignite Network Steering Committee. She has been involved with PPI Ignite since 2018 as lead for DCU PPI Ignite (2018-2021) and DCU site lead for the development of the PPI Ignite Network. Prof Lambert leads an interdisciplinary research programme on Children and Family Focused Research with national and international collaborators from academia, clinical and community contexts. Her research predominately focuses on understanding children and family experiences particularly in the context of children and family healthcare communication, children and family shared self-management of chronic/long-term conditions, psychosocial wellbeing and impact of illness on children and the family. Other research interests include: paediatric early warning systems, virtual reality distraction, and integrated person-centred care.