GP Retention Project


Research Area:

Primary Care

What is the research about?

Ireland is experiencing a GP crisis, meaning that Ireland does not have enough GPs to meet the demand for care, which is causing people to have difficulty easily accessing GP care or finding a GP in their area. The government estimates that Ireland needs significantly more GPs in the future to meet increasing demand, and so has increased the number of GP training places. This will help, but Ireland also needs to get better at keeping the GPs we have within the health system. The aim of this research is to gain insights into the everyday working experiences of GPs in Ireland, and Irish GPs abroad, in order to understand the reasons behind Ireland’s GP crisis. We aim to conduct interviews and mobile instant messaging conversations with GPs so that we can better understand the issues facing general practice in Ireland today.

Who is the opportunity for? 

This is an opportunity for anyone who engages with GP services in Ireland. This includes:
– Those who use GP services frequently (e.g., those with chronic conditions)
– Those who use GP services infrequently
– Those in rural or urban areas

Our PPI plans. 

This PPI opportunity aims to get the public and patient perspective on the GP crisis, and to understand their experiences accessing and receiving GP care in Ireland.

This PPI opportunity will involve three online meetings. Meeting one will take place at the start of the project to identify key issues that we should discuss with GPs in the research study; this meeting will involve a discussion of your experiences accessing and receiving GP care in Ireland. Your contributions in this meeting will be used to help inform the topic guide for our conversations with GPs in the research study. Meeting two will be scheduled later in the project to share initial research findings with you, and meeting three will be scheduled towards the end of the project to discuss how best to share the findings of the study with the public.

Opportunity for:

Member of the public / Service user

Involvement Opportunity Details


Time commitment:

Participation involves attending three online meetings. All meetings will be one hour long, except the first meeting, which will have a 30-minute induction session at the start of the meeting explaining the research in more detail, your role, and how the meetings will be structured.

Contact between meetings:

1. Once you contact us to express your interesting in taking part, we will send you an initial email confirming your participation, the date of the first meeting, and information/instructions for accessing the meeting via Microsoft Teams. After the first meeting, we will begin collecting data with GPs. 2. Once this phase of the project is complete we will email you again to confirm that you want to continue taking part, along with the date of the second meeting. 3. After the second meeting, we will complete data analysis on the study and write up the results formally, after which we will contact you again via email with a date for the third meeting.

Length of involvement:

It is anticipated that the three meetings will be spaced about 6 months apart, depending on how long the study takes to complete and write up; overall the involvement will be three meetings over the course of a year.

Start date for involvement:





If online, explain how:

The meetings will take place via Microsoft Teams.

If in person, explain where:

Not applicable

Other ways of communicating:

We can contact you via phone in between meetings if you would prefer this to email.

Funding available for:

PPI contributor’s time

If no funding available, explain why:

Not applicable

Other Information

Stage of the research study/ programme:

Funded but not yet started

Is this opportunity for PPI in a PhD:


Closing date to contact researchers:


Research Team

Contact person:

Dr. Niamh Humphries, Dr Holly Hanlon


Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Contact email:

Researcher background:

Dr Niamh Humphries is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Research in the Graduate School of Healthcare Management at RCSI. She has been working in health workforce researh for the past 18 years. Dr. Holly Hanlon is a postdoctoral researcher in the Graduate School of Healthcare Management at RCSI.

Research funder:

Health Research Board


Interested in this PPI Opportunity?

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