Patient and Public Involvement activities in vaping and E-cigarette users
Home > Opportunities > Patient and Public Involvement activities in vaping and E-cigarette users
Research Area:
Cancer/ Health Research/ Lung injury/ Public Health/ Vaping/E-cigarette
What is the research about?
The long-term negative health impacts of vaping are unknown. The potential toxicants generated from the thermal breakdown of e-liquid ingredients has been reported within the research community. This research will combine machine learning, a toxicant database, chemical hazard classification, and laboratory experiments to investigate the highest risk factors in vaping liquids in an effort to prevent another tobacco-like health catastrophe.
This involvement opportunity will be a single meeting with PPI contributors to gain valuable insights for our research in the grant-application process. We hope for there to be further involvement opportunities over the four-year lifespan of the project.
Opportunity for:
Involvement Opportunity Details
Time commitment:
length of Meetings: 1 hour; Number of Meetings: 1
Contact between meetings:
Continuous engagement through emails, with opportunities for feedback, discussion, and updates on research progress.
Length of involvement:
4 years
Start date for involvement:
If online, explain how:
Zoom, Teams
If in person, explain where:
Royal College of Surgeons In Ireland
Other ways of communicating:
phone call or video call
Funding available for:
If no funding available, explain why:
Not applicable
Other Information
Stage of the research study/ programme:
Grant application writing
Is this opportunity for PPI in a PhD:
Closing date to contact researchers:
Research Team
Contact person:
Dr. Dan Wu
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Contact email:
Researcher background:
Research funder:
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