Dr Emmy Racine
Programme Manager, PPI Ignite Network @ UCC
Dr Emmy Racine is the Programme Manager of PPI Ignite Network@ UCC. She co-leads work package 2 which is focussed on embedding PPI scholarship into undergraduate and postgraduate education. She also contributes to work package 1 (building PPI capacity across communities) and work package 5 (building a strong national network). She is an active member of the Network Impact Working Group and the Network Communications Working Group. At site level, she plays a key role in supporting and building capacity for high-quality PPI within UCC and amongst wider society, and embedding PPI into institutional policies and practices. She organises and coordinates the work of the PPI Ignite Network@ UCC Steering Committee, Local Partner Committee, Public Advisory Panel and UCC Working Group which is comprised of over 40 individuals from across the University who share an interest in PPI in research. Emmy has extensive experience in conducting, researching, and promoting Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) and has in-depth knowledge of PPI theory and practice. Her research interests include Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) approaches and impact, participatory and engaged research processes and patient experience research. She completed her PhD in 2020 which was entitled: ‘It’s a nice thing to do but…’: Exploring the methods and impact of PPI in trials. This research explored PPI contributors’ experiences and contributions at the design, conduct and dissemination stages of trials.