Prof. Patricia Kearney
Co-lead, PPI Ignite Network @ UCC
Professor Patricia Kearney is the UCC site co-lead for the PPI Ignite Network. She is a member of the Network Steering Committee and co- leads work package 2, which is focussed on embedding PPI scholarship into undergraduate and postgraduate education. At UCC, Patricia works closely with Dr Emmy Racine, PPI Ignite Network @ UCC Programme Manager to build capacity for high-quality PPI within UCC and amongst wider society, and to embed PPI into institutional policies and practices. She chairs the PPI Ignite Network @ UCC Steering Committee, Local Partner Committee and Working Group, which is comprised of over 40 individuals from across the University who share an interest in PPI in research.
Patricia is a Professor of Epidemiology in the School of Public Health in UCC. Her research interests include chronic disease prevention and management, lifecourse epidemiology and clinical trials. She leads the ESPRIT (Evidence to Support Prevention Implementation and Translation) research group at UCC with a transdisciplinary group of researchers in epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical trials, implementation science and health psychology.